Physiotherapy includes the detection of disorders on the musculoskeletal and nervous system, as well as all the exercise and therapy methods applied to the individual, and aims to increase the quality of life by strengthening the mobility of the patients.
Physical therapy is a series of therapies and additional treatment methods used in the treatment of recurrent diseases as a result of deformation or deterioration in the muscle, skeleton and nervous system, which are frequently encountered today, especially around the waist and neck spine. Physiotherapy methods, which give successful results in the improvement of many bone and muscle diseases, are applied under the control of expert physiotherapists with personalized programs.
Physiotherapy is a series of therapy and exercise methods developed and applied on the physical functional disorders of the body in general, occurring as a result of congenital, accident or trauma or other reasons, includes therapy and exercise programs aimed at moving the patient, and protecting and improving the mobility of the patients. and aims at renewal.
Physical therapy methods also have a rehabilitation process; This process is considered as physical therapy and rehabilitation.
Physical therapy and rehabilitation methods are a well-known therapy method applied to specific musculoskeletal disorders such as low back and neck hernia and neck straightening, as well as helping to heal congenital or acquired disorders such as scoliosis, kyphosis, loss of lordosis caused by posture disorders. implemented successfully. By targeting individuals to regain their mobility, physical therapy methods give successful results in the improvement of all the following disorders that cause physical movement restrictions on individuals.
Physical therapy is the result of deformation and wear on the discs between the vertebrae located around the waist and neck region of the body. call ve neck hernia ve neck straightening It is the first and most effective method used in the treatment of ailments. It gives highly positive results with therapy and exercise programs created according to the damage caused by hernia or neck flattening.
Physical therapy methods are successfully applied in chronic pain problems that start on certain parts of the body and continue to increase in severity. In general, pain that manifests itself in the form of migraine and headache, as well as muscle and body pains in the body musculoskeletal system such as neck, waist, back, feet and knees are relieved by a series of physical therapy methods.
Physical therapy methods applied to acute injuries that occur suddenly or chronic injuries such as meniscus that occur as a result of overuse of muscle groups and joints contribute positively to the patient's recovery and regaining his mobility. Such ailments, such as sports injuries, which are mostly healed with physical therapy without the need for surgical intervention, are also used as an effective method in the rehabilitation phase after surgical intervention, if surgery is required according to the process.
Manual lymph drainage, which is applied in lymphedema disorders caused by congenital or acquired lymphatic system deterioration due to the increase in the intercellular fluid, is another frequently used physical therapy method. With this method, the fluid flow is slowed down, the lymph pathways are activated, and the healthy functioning of the lymphatic system is aimed. Successful results are obtained in the improvement of lymphedema disorders with the bandaging method applied afterwards as a part of physical therapy.
Soft tissue rheumatism such as fibromyalgia or osteoporosis, joint rheumatism, heel spurs, tennis and golfer elbow, Physiotherapy methods are used to reduce and treat the pain and pain felt around the muscles, joints and bones caused by inflammatory or non-inflammatory rheumatism such as connective tissue diseases, shoulder impingement syndromes. With the physical therapy programs created according to the severity of the disease, positive results are observed in the treatment of muscle and joint rheumatism.
Apart from the disease groups discussed above, physical therapy and rehabilitation programs are applied in paralysis due to spinal cord injuries or in patients who have had partial paralysis to regain their lost mobility, as well as in non-surgical applications of carpal tunnel syndrome, which is characterized by numbness in the hands due to stress. It is an effective method.
Physical therapy and rehabilitation programs include a series of personalized therapy and exercise programs that differ according to the degree of the disease and the physiological structure of the patients. Thermotherapy, which means heat treatment, body pain-focused electrotherapy by applying low and high voltage electric current, and cold compress therapy applied with cold water packs, ice packs, sprays and liquid nitrogen applied to painful areas, or cryotherapy with another name, are among the main physical therapy methods. is located.
In addition, another physical therapy method, which is applied manually, is considered a medically healing method and is frequently used, is manual therapy. This method includes direct manual interventions without any tool, heat or radiation source and is widely used to reduce body pain, increase blood circulation rate and prevent muscle spasm.
Regularly performed under the control of specialist physiotherapists clinical exercises, medical fitness and functional exercises It is also considered as a successful method in the physical therapy and rehabilitation process. Regularly performed exercises aim to strengthen the musculoskeletal system and are of great importance in eliminating the movement restriction on patients with paralysis and ensuring adaptation to the daily life of patients.
Physical therapy methods enable patients to relieve pain, prevent pain and help them regain their mobility, and physical therapy must be applied by specialist physiotherapists in the physical therapy center to prevent the risk of permanent disability that may occur with an adverse movement during treatment.
Physiotherapist is a title obtained on the condition of graduating from at least a 4-year Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation program, and this title cannot be earned as a result of situations such as certificate or extra training. For this reason, it is vital that physical therapy programs are implemented by expert physiotherapists.
my physiorite In the Wellness Center, physiotherapists, each of whom are experts in physical therapy, are successfully carried out with personalized physical therapy programs as a result of detailed examinations and examinations.