Is permanent recovery possible with manual therapy?


Is permanent recovery possible with manual therapy?

The answer to this question will only be understood when these complaints pass. Feeling when you have a kidney disease When the pain is gone, the person can consider himself healed. But he does not think about whether he is permanently cured. Sometimes, even if one of the kidneys works with 60% performance, if there is no pain, there is no problem. When there are musculoskeletal disorders, this size and evaluation of the person changes. 

“Can I get permanent recovery with manual therapy?” I often hear this question from my patients. Manual therapy can provide 100% permanent cure in cases without structural damage. It allows the improvement of symptoms and pain-free activities of daily living when there is structural damage.

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Manual Therapy
What Is It?

It is the name given to the evaluation and treatment methods especially for the treatment of musculoskeletal diseases and pain. These are manual treatments for optimal functioning of muscles, joints and nerves. As you can imagine, it is aimed to heal the patient by applying externally by hand.

It is the name given to the evaluation and treatment methods especially for the treatment of musculoskeletal diseases and pain. These are manual treatments for optimal functioning of muscles, joints and nerves. As you can imagine, it is aimed to heal the patient by applying externally by hand.

Manual Therapy
What Is It?

Herniated disc

Lumbar hernia is a spinal disorder and occurs as a result of wear or slippage of the discs on the spinal cord of the body, which act as a kind of shock absorber for the body. For more detailed information, visit our Manual Therapy Ankara page.

Neck hernia

The discomfort that occurs as a result of deformation or loss of function and abrasion of the discs located between the vertebrae in the neck region of the body and providing the movement and flexibility of the vertebrae for various reasons is called neck hernia or Cervical Disc Hernia. For more detailed information, visit our Manual Therapy Ankara page.


Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine. In a normal and healthy spine, when viewed from the back, the vertebrae lie in a straight line in the neck, back, and lumbar regions. For more detailed information, visit our Manual Therapy Ankara page.

Neck Flattening

Neck Flattening; It is the case where the curve in the shape of the letter "C" disappears and the alignment of the vertebrae is straight. For more detailed information, visit our Manual Therapy Ankara page.


It is a disease characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep, memory and mood problems that directly affect the person's quality of life. For more detailed information, visit our Manual Therapy Ankara page.

Sports Injuries

sports injuries examination and treatment methods are examined in two different groups in terms of application. Acute sports injuries are generally characterized by sudden and severe pain. For detailed information, visit our Manual Therapy Ankara Page.

Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis

usually very active call These are “stress fractures” that occur due to overload in the lower vertebrae of the lower vertebrae. For more detailed information, visit our Manual Therapy Ankara page.

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