chiropractic woolIt is a word of origin but means hand applications and is used by the World Health Organization (WHIt is a scientific and academic manual therapy method accepted by O.
The practice of chiropractic was first developed in 1895 by Dr. David Daniel Palmer It is a type of manual therapy treatment method, which has achieved successful results in the medical field, and which has made a great impression especially in the USA and Canada. Any type of spinal cord exposure functional and malalignment It aims to activate the spine and rearrange the functions of the body by applying a certain level of pressure on it with the hand, ensuring the communication between the brain and the spine.
Chiropractic therapy is a technique developed on the basis of the principle that the signals transmitted by the brain are distributed to the body only through the spine. It is a manual therapy method. In order for the treatment to be successful, the cause of the disease is first investigated and the area to be treated is determined on the spine. If there are no signs of tumor, infection or fracture on this area, mobilizing the joints by applying pressure with the hand, re-establishing communication with the brain over the spine thereby eliminating the existing pressure on the pinched nerves.
Chiropractic practice plays a therapeutic role on the musculoskeletal nervous system with high velocity and low pressure. It directly interferes with the bone on the spine and plays an active role in eliminating all kinds of functional and alignment disorders that the spine may be exposed to. In addition, the application of chiropractic therapy at regular intervals every year provides natural protection of body health and increasing body resistance.
In order to regulate the nervous system, chiropractic aims to help open the nerve pathways and improve spinal alignment disorders by directly intervening with the spine, bones and muscles. For this reason, the administration of therapy by a chiropractor is of vital importance in order to prevent permanent disability problems that may occur in the future.
A chiropractor is earned through graduate education, and only medical doctors and physiotherapists who have completed a 4-year undergraduate education can become chiropractors. Fizyoritim Ankara Healthy Life Manual Therapy and Physical Therapy Rehabilitation CenterChiropractic therapy is applied under the control of physiotherapists who are experts in their fields and successful results are obtained on many ailments caused by spinal alignment.
Chiropractic therapy is a scientific method that is valid all over the world, and this method is World Health Organization (WHO) It encourages the application to be used effectively on low back and neck pain. Chiropractic, a method developed by applying pressure with the hand, coordinates healthy communication between the brain, nervous system and organs.
Chiropractic therapy is a manual therapy method that is also used to prevent biomechanical disorders on the muscle, spine and skeletal system and the damage these disorders cause on the nervous system, and successful results are achieved mainly in the treatment of the following diseases.
Since chiropractic is a manual therapy method that provides fast and effective results on muscle, spine and skeletal system disorders due to posture disorder or the alignment of the spine, it provides the protection of body health in natural ways by intervening the spine manually. For this reason, the application of chiropractic therapy to healthy individuals besides patients with chronic diseases plays an important role in improving body resistance.
Chiropractic aims to increase the quality of life of individuals by increasing the functional capacity of the body by re-interacting with the brain through the body's spinal system, and helps to eliminate posture disorders. With chiropractic therapy, it is also aimed to bring the spine back to a healthy position, open the locked joints and relieve the pressure on the pinched nerves. For this reason, individuals who receive chiropractic therapy have a comfortable life and are recommended for individuals who do not have chronic diseases.
Chiropractic therapy is applied in the physical therapy and rehabilitation departments of full-fledged hospitals and in physiotherapy centers serving only in this field. my physiorite ve Manual Therapy Ankara Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation specialist physiotherapist Mehmet Sen ve Kaan Akin chiropractic therapy methods are successfully applied in the management of